I broke my no-buy when I did a little haul at Target. I found this dry shampoo and since I've been really wanting to try any kind of dry shampoo, I grabbed it up for $8.99.
It was a good day to try this out because I had skipped washing my hair last night and I can't really go two full days without washing my hair--too oily--so I had a bit of an oily mess going on on the top of my head and my bangs.
The bottle claims that it "cleanses, refreshes and adds volume without water." The back reads "... it eliminates oily buildup and adds volume at the roots."
Are you ready for the before picture? It's gross. I had just taken my hair out of the pony tail it had been in all day, took down my bangs and snapped a picture. Here you go:
You can see the oiliness best in my bangs and right on the top of my head when I've gone too long without washing it. My hair looks weighed down and just generally yucky. Here is a perhaps worse shot of the top of my head before I used the dry shampoo:
My hair is going every which way and it's just generally dirty looking. My sister shot this after I told her "I need them to see how oily and flat my hair looks."
"Oh, this is a good one," she said and when I took the camera from her making a face she added, "look at that mess, it looks awful. It's a great before picture."
Then after using Umberto, here is the top of my head:
No more grey and it looks a lot better, I think. It doesn't look so slicked down to my head or as greasy/shiny/oily. To the touch... There is also an improvement. My hair feels lighter and not nearly as oily to the touch. Usually after I go too long without washing my hair I'm dying to get in the shower. Right now I'm blogging away, still haven't showered and I'm not feeling gross and greasy like I normally would be about now.
You can find this at Target stores or from Amazon.com.