Deborah Lippmann Stripper Nail Polish Remover

I kept putting off writing this review because I wanted to like this product...

... But...

Deborah Lippmann's Stripper nail polish remover goes for about $18 a bottle first of all and that's an insane price to pay for nail polish remover (and yet I still paid it).

So pricetag aside, let's talk product.

My main gripe about this is I felt I had to use a lot to get my nail polish off. About three pumps for each hand would remove all the polish (as long as it wasn't a glitter polish or one that was particularly stubborn but for your creams and gels this worked alright). However, I feel like I'm flying through this bottle. And when I spend a lot of money on something (relatively speaking anyway) I want it to last a long, long time.

This is not a non-acetone remover and for 18 bucks, I feel it should be. It should be SOMETHING for 18 bucks. The ingredient list includes: acetone, aloe vera extract, glycerin, lavender essential oil and some coloring. The liquid is a light, light purple.

As far as removing polish goes... Like I said, it wasn't kicking any butt in the glitter removal area. Regular cream polishes and the like came off pretty easily but nothing different than a regular polish remover.

It wasn't super drying but I didn't see any signs going in the other direction either so it's not going to hydrate your cuticles or do any extra work like that.

It comes in a pump bottle which I think I like but you don't get full control of how much product is dispersed. I tried to do one pump, remove, pump, remove but it was easier to do about three pumps and do a full hand. You also have to make sure that you completely cover the holes on the top while pumping or you're going to send the liquid flying.

Now the smell is pretty nice for a polish remover, there's one point for Deborah there. I even had my mom smell it just to see how nice it was... It's not an in your face polish remover smell. It's more like a chemical lavendery mix. Not bad. I actually came to really like the smell. (I had to find something about this guy to like!)

Rating: 2.5/5
You can find it at for $18.

Anyone know of a great polish remover or do you just stick to the (smart and) cheap bottles of acetone?