Wedding Nails: MAC "Kid Orange" Nail Lacquer

"Kid Orange" was a shade from the MAC Shop MAC Cook MAC collection. (I hate the name of that collection, but anyway...) I went to a wedding this past weekend and this was the nail color I chose to go with my dress. I wanted to take a few great shots of my makeup and outfit but I didn't get many good ones so a nail post will have to do.

I put a personal post on my website about the wedding which includes a couple of photos. It is located here if you happen to be interested.

And on with the polish...

My dress was really colorful with flowers and fruit and so I had a line of polishes out and this had been my first pick and then my final pick. I won this polish from a giveaway, actually, and I was much happier with it than I have been with MAC polishes in the past. I tend to have big time chipping issues.

I had no problems with application... It went on really nicely and you need two coats to get full opacity. I sort of like a sheerer nail polish like that because sometimes (not this time but sometimes) I like a little white of the nail showing through.

The above photo is after two days of wear and you do get a bit of polish loss on the tips but nothing wildly noticeable.

I used Barielle Fortifying Nail Builder as a base coat with a coat of "Out the Door" on top (OtD is my new Seche Vite replacement, has anyone tried it because I'm personally thrilled with it.)

I love the brightness of this shade... It's somewhere sitting happily between orange and red.

Any other bright spring polish favorites out there?